About Us

Welcome to Rathi Dental Center, where excellence meets expertise in the heart of Juhu, Mumbai! Led by the dynamic duo of dentistry, Dr. Akshay Rathi and Dr. Seema Rathi, our practice stands as a beacon of world-class dental care, catering to meet the unique needs of each patient, and delivering results that exceed expectations every time.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Are you feeling pain or discomfort in your mouth, especially towards the back of your jaw? It could be your wisdom teeth causing the trouble. Look no further than Rathi Dental Center for wisdom tooth removal in Juhu.

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of molars to emerge in the back of your mouth. While some people may not experience any issues with their wisdom teeth, others may get pain, crowding, and infection when their wisdom teeth don't get enough room to emerge properly, necessitating their removal.

Common Reasons for Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom teeth commonly emerge in individuals aged between 17 and 25, although they can appear later in life for some individuals. In many cases, there isn't enough room in the mouth for these additional teeth, leading to various issues such as:

Impaction: Wisdom teeth frequently become impacted, meaning they don't fully emerge through the gums, leading to discomfort, pain, swelling, and an increased risk of infection.

Misalignment: Limited space in the jaw can cause wisdom teeth to emerge at odd angles, leading to misalignment. This can affect neighbouring teeth and impact overall oral health.

Pain and Discomfort: The eruption process can cause pain, swelling, and discomfort, especially if the wisdom teeth are pressing against nearby structures.

Infection: Partially erupted wisdom teeth create pockets that are hard to clean, increasing the risk of bacterial growth and infection.

Crowding: Wisdom teeth can lead to overcrowding in the mouth, affecting the alignment of existing teeth.

When Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Necessary?

Your dentist may recommend wisdom tooth removal in Juhu if you experience any of the following:

  • Pain or discomfort in the back of the mouth
  • Severe headache and earache
  • Swelling or redness around the gums
  • Difficulty opening your mouth or chewing
  • Pus formation or a foul taste in your mouth
  • X-ray evidence of impacted or problematic wisdom teeth

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What Are the Consequences of Leaving an Impacted Wisdom Tooth Untreated?

Choosing not to remove problematic wisdom teeth when your dentist suggests it can lead to various complications:

Persistent pain and discomfort: Impacted or infected wisdom teeth can cause ongoing pain and discomfort, affecting your quality of life.

Gum disease: Partially erupted wisdom teeth create pockets where bacteria can accumulate, increasing the risk of gum disease and inflammation.

Damage to surrounding teeth: Impacted wisdom teeth can exert pressure on adjacent teeth, leading to misalignment, decay, and other dental issues.

Cysts and tumors: Impacted wisdom teeth can form cysts or tumours, which can harm nearby bones and tissues and necessitate more involved surgical procedures.

It's essential to promptly address issues with wisdom teeth to prevent complications and maintain oral health. If you're feeling any pain or discomfort from your wisdom teeth, don't hesitate to consult our expert in Juhu to determine the best course of action. This might involve the removal of your wisdom teeth, and that’s perfectly okay for your well-being.