About Us

Welcome to Rathi Dental Center, where excellence meets expertise in the heart of Juhu, Mumbai! Led by the dynamic duo of dentistry, Dr. Akshay Rathi and Dr. Seema Rathi, our practice stands as a beacon of world-class dental care, catering to meet the unique needs of each patient, and delivering results that exceed expectations every time.

Dentures and Overdentures

Whether you've lost teeth due to ageing, decay, or injury, dentures offer a practical and accessible solution to help you easily regain the joy of eating, speaking, and smiling. At Rathi Dental Center, our compassionate team is here to guide you through rediscovering your smile with dentures and overdentures in Juhu, ensuring you feel supported throughout the process.


What Are Dentures and Overdentures?

Dentures are removable prosthetic appliances crafted to substitute missing teeth and adjacent tissues. Tailored to fit comfortably in the mouth, they aim to revive natural teeth' aesthetics and functionality. Dentures come in two types—partial or complete—depending on the extent of tooth replacement required.

Overdentures, on the other hand, refer to a form of denture intended to fit over a few existing natural teeth or dental implants. They provide enhanced stability and retention compared to traditional dentures, offering a more secure and comfortable fit.

When Might You Need Dentures?

Several factors may lead to tooth loss, including decay, gum disease, injury, or ageing. If you have missing teeth or are experiencing significant tooth decay that is irreplaceable with other dental procedures, your dentist may recommend dentures. Individuals with compromised oral health due to various medical conditions may also benefit from dentures, which can improve their ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently.

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Types of Dentures Available

Complete Dentures: These are used when all teeth in one or both dental arches are missing. They can be conventional, placed after the remaining teeth are extracted and the tissues have undergone healing, or placed immediately after tooth extraction.

Partial Dentures: These are suggested where there are remaining natural teeth in the dental arch. They bridge the gaps left by missing teeth and help maintain the proper alignment of adjacent teeth by preventing them from shifting out of place.

Implant-supported Dentures: These are anchored by dental implants surgically inserted into the jawbone to provide stability and support. This advanced solution provides enhanced stability and support in contrast to conventional dentures, effectively thwarting bone loss and improving chewing efficiency.

Overdentures: These are designed to fit over natural teeth or dental implants, providing increased stability and retention.

Cost of Dentures and Overdentures in Juhu

The cost of dentures and overdentures in Juhu may vary based on various factors, including the materials used, the dentist's expertise, and any additional procedures required.

The cost of complete or Partial dentures typically depends on the number of teeth replaced and the case's complexity. Implant-supported dentures are the most expensive option, considering the cost of dental implants and prosthetic attachments.

Overdentures cost slightly more than traditional dentures due to the additional support provided by remaining natural teeth or dental implants. On average, the cost of overdentures in Juhu ranges depending on the number of remaining teeth and the need for additional procedures such as root canal treatment or dental implant placement.

Dentures and overdentures in Juhu offer effective solutions for people with tooth loss. Whether you need partial or complete dentures or prefer the stability of overdentures, consulting our experts will help determine the best option for your oral health needs and budget.