About Us

Welcome to Rathi Dental Center, where excellence meets expertise in the heart of Juhu, Mumbai! Led by the dynamic duo of dentistry, Dr. Akshay Rathi and Dr. Seema Rathi, our practice stands as a beacon of world-class dental care, catering to meet the unique needs of each patient, and delivering results that exceed expectations every time.

Bleeding Gum Treatment

Are your gums sending distress signals with every brush or floss? Don't ignore the red flags—bleeding gums might indicate an underlying issue that needs immediate attention. But worry not! We've got you covered. Bleeding gum treatment in Juhu at Rathi Dental Center promises to restore oral health and bring back confidence in your smile.

Gum Treatment

What Are Bleeding Gums?

Bleeding gums can frequently indicate gum disease, which arises from the buildup of plaque—a sticky bacterial film—on the teeth. If not properly eliminated through consistent brushing and flossing, plaque can provoke irritation and inflammation in the gums, resulting in gingivitis. Gingivitis marks the early phase of gum disease, typified by redness, swelling, and bleeding during regular oral hygiene practices.

What Causes Gums to Bleed?

Poor oral hygiene is a primary factor, allowing harmful bacteria to flourish and trigger inflammation. Changes in hormones, particularly during pregnancy or menopause, can increase the likelihood of gums being more prone to bleeding. Medical conditions like diabetes or vitamin deficiencies (such as Vitamin C or K) may compromise gum health, making them more prone to bleeding.

Moreover, lifestyle choices like smoking and stress can exacerbate gum issues. Regular dental check-ups are crucial to catch these issues early on and prevent them from escalating into more severe conditions.

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How Do You Know if You’re Suffering From Gum Disease?

Keep an eye out for these warning signs:

Bleeding: The most apparent sign is, of course, bleeding gums, especially during routine oral care.

Swollen or Red Gums: Inflammation can cause gums to appear swollen and red, signalling an underlying problem.

Persistent Bad Breath: Gum disease often comes with persistent bad breath due to the bacteria causing the infection.

Receding Gums: As the condition advances, you might observe your gum tissue retracting from your teeth, forming pockets that provide a favorable environment for bacterial growth.

Loose Teeth: In advanced stages, gum disease can lead to loose teeth, significantly damaging the supporting structures.

Bleeding Gum Treatments in Juhu

Professional Dental Cleanings: Regular dental cleanings are the cornerstone of preventing and treating gum disease. Our proficient experts excel in meticulous cleanings that eliminate plaque and tartar accumulation, enhancing gum well-being.

Scaling and Root Planning: Scaling and root planning may be suggested for more complex dental care situations. This non-surgical procedure involves deep cleaning to remove bacteria from beneath the gumline and smooth the tooth roots, promoting healing.

Antibacterial Mouthwash: Dentists may recommend using antibacterial mouthwash to reduce bacterial growth and promote gum healing.

Gum Graft Surgery: In cases of severe gum recession, gum graft surgery may be performed to restore gum tissue and reduce bleeding.

Nutritional Counseling: Dentists may guide on maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals essential for gum health.

Lifestyle Modifications: Quitting smoking and adopting a regular oral hygiene routine can significantly improve gum health and reduce bleeding.

Don't let bleeding gums prevent you from having a beautiful, healthy smile. Seek professional help for bleeding gum treatment in Juhu at Rathi's Dental Center, where your oral health is our priority.

For more information, contact us or visit Rathi's Dental Center for bleeding gum treatment in Juhu. Your journey to better oral health starts from here.