About Us

Welcome to Rathi Dental Center, where excellence meets expertise in the heart of Juhu, Mumbai! Led by the dynamic duo of dentistry, Dr. Akshay Rathi and Dr. Seema Rathi, our practice stands as a beacon of world-class dental care, catering to meet the unique needs of each patient, and delivering results that exceed expectations every time.

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction? The thought itself could be terrifying, but what if your dentist recommends removing your teeth? At Rathi Dental Center, we suggest tooth extraction only when a tooth is severely damaged, decayed, infected, or causing issues such as overcrowding. While our dentists strive to preserve natural teeth whenever possible, extraction becomes necessary in cases where holding the tooth jeopardizes overall oral health.

Tooth Extraction

Reasons For Tooth Extraction

Here are the reasons why you need tooth extraction:

Severe Tooth Decay: Extraction may be the only viable option when tooth decay advances to an extent where it compromises the tooth structure and roots.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often emerge misaligned or impacted, causing pain, infection, and potential damage to adjacent teeth.

Overcrowding: Dentists may recommend extraction to create space for proper alignment and prevent dental misalignment issues in overcrowded teeth.

Infection Or Abscess: Untreated dental infections can lead to abscess formation, necessitating the removal of the infected tooth to prevent the spread of infection.

Gum Disease: Advanced gum disease can compromise the supporting structures of the teeth, requiring extraction to prevent further complications.

Trauma Or Injury: If restoration is not feasible, a dentist may need to extract badly injured teeth caused by trauma, accidents, or injury.

Vertical Fracture of Tooth: Sometimes, a tooth is extracted when a crack extends vertically through the tooth, often originating from the chewing surface and extending toward the root. These fractures can be painful and compromise the structural integrity of the tooth.

How Is Tooth Extraction Done?

Here's how the tooth extraction process works:

1. Our dentist thoroughly examines the tooth, including X-rays, to assess its condition and plan the extraction. They may advise CBCT to analyze 3-dimensional (3D) images of the tooth.

2. Our dentist will apply a pre-anesthetic spray to minimize the needle prick while administering local anesthesia to numb the tooth and surrounding area.

3. Also, at Rathi Dental Center, we have a specialized German technology vibrator attached to the anesthesia dispensing system, which makes numbing absolutely pain-free.

4. The dentist gently loosens the tooth in its socket using specialised instruments and carefully removes it. In some cases, oral surgeons may handle impacted or complex extractions.

5. Following the extraction, the initial healing phase entails the development of soft tissue over the area from which the tooth was removed. Full recovery, encompassing bone renewal, might extend over several weeks to months.

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Why Seek Professional Dental Care for Tooth Extraction in Juhu?

Here are the reasons why you should seek an expert dentist for tooth extraction:

Expertise: Professional dentists and oral surgeons possess the expertise to assess the necessity of tooth extraction and perform the procedure with precision.

Minimized Discomfort: Dental professionals use local anaesthesia and proper techniques to ensure the extraction process is as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

Prevention Of Complications: Professional care minimizes the risk of complications during and after the extraction, ensuring a smoother healing process.

Ignoring dental problems such as cavities, pain, and swelling can lead to severe complications, including infection and decay spreading to the tooth's root. Without timely intervention, these issues can progress to the point where tooth extraction becomes the only viable option to prevent further damage and alleviate discomfort.

If you are experiencing tooth pain or have concerns about a specific tooth, consult our dental team today. A timely dental visit is the key to a seamless and comfortable dental treatment experience.